Bigger fines for drivers who break traffic rules in Romania

The new traffic regulations that come into force in Romania starting Friday, February 6, 2015, set bigger fines for drivers who break the law. Drivers who won’t pay their fines will have their licenses suspended.
The fine for talking on the phone while driving will increase ten times, to RON 1,600 (some EUR 360), which is more than the prices for most smartphones. Drivers who don’t wear their seatbelts will have to pay similar fines.
The punishments for speeding will also be harsher. Drivers who break the legal speed limit by 51 to 60 km/h will pay fines between RON 720 and RON 1,600 (EUR 162-360) and will have their driver's licenses suspended for 90 days. Those who break the speed limit by more than 60 km/h, will have to pay up to RON 4,000 (EUR 900) and won’t be allowed to drive for 180 days.
The maximum punishment will be RON 9,600 (EUR 2,160). The police will slap the highest penalty on drivers who don’t stop at railway crossings when the gate and the acoustic signals are on, or those who cause accidents while speeding or driving while intoxicated.
Drivers must also fit their cars with individual seating system for children under 1.35 meters high, or otherwise they risk fines between RON 360 and RON 450 (EUR 81-101).