Four bison in Romania released in their natural habitat

Four bison from the Vama Buzăului Reservation will be released into their natural habitat in Armeniş, in western Romania’s Caraş-Severin county this May, Agerpres reported.
The Vama Buzăului Reservation hosts 26 bison, 13 male and 13 female. Two male and two female bison will be brought to Caraş Severin county.
“Unfortunately, I have to say that two bison died, two of old age and eight following fights between the dominant male and the other male. Now we are working on a fence to separate the dominating male and some of the female bison. The expansion of the reservation on an 80 hectares surface is no longer possible at the moment because of the lack of funds. Releasing the bison into their natural habitat is the best option, but this can be done gradually and on the long term,” Tiberiu Roth, the administrator of the reservation, told Agerpres.
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