Bloomberg indicates Hidroelectrica IPO will close at a price below maximum

The indicative price for the sale of Hidroelectrica shares (BVB: H2O) would be between RON 103 and RON 104 per share, compared to the listing Prospectus range of RON 94-112, according to a short note published by Bloomberg, which also quotes sources familiar with the IPO.
According to Bloomberg, quoted by Ziarul Financiar, the volume of orders is several times above this offering, expected to end on Tuesday, July 4, with the allocation taking place on July 5.
With a price of RON 104 per share, the offer would amount to RON 8.1 billion (over EUR 1.6 bln).
In this case, the company's valuation would be RON 44.6 bln (EUR 9 bln).
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