Apartment prices in Brasov exceed those in Bucharest

The central Romanian city of Brasov has surpassed the capital Bucharest in terms of the price of apartments, according to classifieds portal Imobiliare.ro.
Bucharest was so far surpassed in prices only by Cluj-Napoca, where the most expensive apartments in the country are located.
Although apartment prices have not seen major increases recently, developers, as well as owners of old apartments, have increased prices by 20% in the last two years in Brasov, Economica.net reported.
The city of Brasov surpasses the capital and ranks second in the list, with a sale price of EUR 1,647/usable square meter. There are, however, areas where the average goes up to around EUR 1,800/usable square meter.
Apartments in Bucharest, on the other hand, are sold for EUR 1,581/usable square meter, so they are approximately 5% more expensive than two years ago.
(Photo source: Teodororoianu/Dreamstime.com)