Over 100 artists to perform at Jazz & Blues Festival in central Romania this month

More than 100 Romanian and international artists will perform at this year's Jazz & Blues Festival in Brasov, a popular mountain city in central Romania. The event, promoted as the biggest urban festival of its kind in the country, is scheduled for August 11-15.
"We have experiences for everyone, we have concerts in Brassai Square, and we have the entire Central Park with activities for children, parents and grandparents. We have a stage where musical workshops and concerts will take place, we have an open-air cinema area, we have many musical installations, a food & drink area," said Marian Gâlea, the event's organizer.
"Moreover, on August 15, when we celebrate the Assumption of Mary, we have a gospel concert with Sharrie Williams from America at the fortified church in Bod," he added, quoted by local Agerpres.
According to the organizers, more than 100 artists will take the stage at this year's anniversary edition, including 30 foreign artists from eight countries. The lineup includes Jan Akkerman, Carlos Bica & Azul, Michael Olivera & The Cuban Jazz Syndicate, Raphael Wressnig and Gisele Jackson, Kirk Fletcher, Sharrie Williams - The Princess of Gospel Rockin' Blues, and John Nemeth.
The program also includes creative workshops and masterclasses on musical themes, conferences and debates, outdoor film screenings, activities for children and the family, and a vinyl record fair.
Access to concerts and activities is free, except for the concerts scheduled to take place in Sf. Ioan Square between August 11 and 14. Tickets for these four days of concerts cost RON 50/day, but music fans can also buy full-access passes for RON 160. They can be purchased online at Biletebrasov.ro.
Further details are available here.
(Photo source: Wang Song/Dreamstime.com)