Brasov City Hall seeks contractor for 20MWp PV park

Brasov City Hall launched the procurement procedure for developing a photovoltaic park with a capacity of 20 MWp.
The future electricity production plant will cover an area of 22 hectares, will be financed from European funds, and will provide 90% of the energy needed for schools, public buildings and lighting, reported.
The maximum value of the contract is RON 90 million (EUR 18 million) plus VAT, and the main selection criterion is the best quality-price ratio.
The non-reimbursable funds for the project are provided through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis 11: "Measures to improve energy efficiency and stimulate the use of renewable energy", Specific objective 11.2: "Use of energy from renewable sources at the level of local public authorities".
(Photo source: Deyangeorgiev/