Bread prices in Romania, lowest in EU

Bread and cereal prices in Romania were half (53%) of the EU average in 2015. They were also the lowest among the 38 European countries included in a survey done last year by EU’s statistical office Eurostat.
Even in non-EU countries such as Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Kosovo, bread prices were higher than the ones in Romania.
Poland had the lowest overall food prices in the EU, at 63% of the EU average, followed by Romania, with 64%, and Bulgaria, with 70%. At the other end, Denmark was by far the EU country with the most expensive food, with prices standing at 145% of the EU average. Sweden was second (124%), and Austria came third (120%).
Bulgaria had the lowest alcoholic beverages, priced only 64% of the EU average, followed by Romania (72%), and Hungary (74%). Drinks were most expensive in Ireland, 175% of the EU average price, and Finland (172%).