Brewers of Romania association reports 3.5% beer market decline

The Romanian beer market decreased by 3.5 percent in 2010 over the previous year, reaching a total volume of 17 million hectoliters, as a result of the unstable economic context, according to data from "Brewers of Romania" Association. The beer market declined by 16 percent compared to 2008, when the beer sales volume reached a maximum of 20.2 million hectoliters. 2010 was the second year the local beer market recorded a decline.
Each Romanian drinks an average of 78 liters of beer a year, on a decreasing trend which started in 2009 and which was fueled by the economic situation that has changed the consumption habits.
The “Brewers of Romania” Association members - Bergenbier, Heineken Romania, Romaqua Group, United Romanian Breweries and Ursus Breweries - invested EUR 51 million in Romania last year. The five member companies reached a sold volume of 15.3 million hectoliters of beer, 4.4 percent less compared to 2009.
Soufflet Malt Romania and Hops Manufacturers Association of Romania also joined the association this year. These two producers of raw materials contribute to the state budget with over EUR 2 million annually.
“Brewers of Romania” Association was established in 2004 and represents both local and international beer producers in Romania.
Irina Popescu,