Bucharest City Hall offers EUR 330 to young couples who get married
Bucharest City Hall will offer a financial incentive of RON 1,500 (EUR 330) per family to young people who get married, according to a decision adopted yesterday by Bucharest’s General Council.
About 6,000 marriages took place in Bucharest last year. This means that the local municipality may spend about EUR 2 million per year on this project.
In order to get the money, young couples will need to submit a request and their marriage certificate to The Bucharest Center for Integrated Community Services for Young People (CTMB). They can request the amount within 45 days after they get married.
Couples need to meet certain criteria to get the money. At least one the spouses has to be at the first marriage, at least one of them needs to be from Bucharest and at least one has to be aged 18-35.
“The founding of a new young family is a living cell for the nation that prolongs its existence, the age group with the highest fertility rate being 25-29 years,” according to the draft project.