Bucharest Council approves EUR 1.5 bln, 13-klm 'suspended highway'

Bucharest will most likely have a suspended highway, which will cost some EUR 1.5 billion to build. The Bucharest City Council recently approved the feasibility study for the project, which will be built under a public – private partnership.
The express road, which has been rejected six times already by the former Bucharest Council, has a complex structure, with six-lane streets, bridges, train track crossovers, two three-lane tunnels, connecting the West to the East of the city, via the North.
Bucharest mayor Sorin Oprescu, elected earlier this year for his second mandate, hopes to drive on the new so called highway by the end of his current mandate, which will last four years. The express road will be 13 kilometers long.
Bucharest's most recent road project was the Basarab flyover, which was inaugurated in 2011, at a cost of EUR 166 million. Work on the flyover started in 2006 and was conducted by construction companies Astaldi and FCC.