International and local productions compete at Bucharest International Dance Film Festival

17 August 2017

Twenty films from 14 countries and seven Romanian productions have been selected in the short films competition of the Bucharest International Dance Film Festival 2017, an event taking place between September 7 and September 10.

The foreign films have been selected from more than 300 submissions. These will be screened on September 9, starting 18:30 at the Elvire Popesco cinema. Q&A sessions with several of the directors will follow the screenings.

This year’s edition will include, for the first time, a competition section dedicated exclusively to Romanian dance films. These productions will be screened on September 8, starting 21:00 at the National Contemporary Art Museum (MNAC). The films in this section are experimental ones, exploring the relationship between the space and the body.

The jury of this year’s edition of the festival is made up of Tomer Heymann, the director of the film Mr. Gaga; Mayo Rodriguez, the director of the Bestias Danzantes festival in Chile; and Romanian choreographer Florin Fieroiu.

The winning film of the competition will receive a EUR 1,000 award, while the best Romanian film will also receive a EUR 1,000 award, granted by the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR). A EUR 500 innovation award and another EUR 500 audience award will also be granted.

This year, the event will also feature a workshop dedicated to developing films currently at an idea stage. A jury will assess them, and the best one will receive a EUR 750 post-production award. The workshop takes place at Point Cultural Hub, and registrations are open until August 25.

The program of the event is available here.


International and local productions compete at Bucharest International Dance Film Festival

17 August 2017

Twenty films from 14 countries and seven Romanian productions have been selected in the short films competition of the Bucharest International Dance Film Festival 2017, an event taking place between September 7 and September 10.

The foreign films have been selected from more than 300 submissions. These will be screened on September 9, starting 18:30 at the Elvire Popesco cinema. Q&A sessions with several of the directors will follow the screenings.

This year’s edition will include, for the first time, a competition section dedicated exclusively to Romanian dance films. These productions will be screened on September 8, starting 21:00 at the National Contemporary Art Museum (MNAC). The films in this section are experimental ones, exploring the relationship between the space and the body.

The jury of this year’s edition of the festival is made up of Tomer Heymann, the director of the film Mr. Gaga; Mayo Rodriguez, the director of the Bestias Danzantes festival in Chile; and Romanian choreographer Florin Fieroiu.

The winning film of the competition will receive a EUR 1,000 award, while the best Romanian film will also receive a EUR 1,000 award, granted by the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR). A EUR 500 innovation award and another EUR 500 audience award will also be granted.

This year, the event will also feature a workshop dedicated to developing films currently at an idea stage. A jury will assess them, and the best one will receive a EUR 750 post-production award. The workshop takes place at Point Cultural Hub, and registrations are open until August 25.

The program of the event is available here.


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