Bucharest has over 200 extremely noisy areas

There are 228 areas in Bucharest where the noise exceeds the legal limits of 70 dB during the day and 60 dB at night, according to the strategic noise maps and the action plan for noise reduction adopted last week by the Bucharest City Council. Car traffic and trams are the main culprits for the high noise levels.
Thus, according to these public documents cited by local Hotnews.ro, the high noise levels affect 54,401 people - around 3% of the city's population.
More specifically, there are 394 streets in Bucharest where the noise exceeds the limit of 70 dB during the day. The list includes crowded boulevards such as Unirii Blvd., Tineretului Blvd., Natiunile Unite Blvd., Constantin Brancoveanu Blvd., and Aviatorilor Blvd. The noise also goes over the nighttime legal limit of 60 dB on these boulevards, as well as on 1 Decembrie Blvd., 1 Mai Blvd., Ferdinand Blvd., Iuliu Maniu Blvd., and more than 480 streets.
The action plan includes two solutions aimed at reducing the level of noise in these areas, namely easing the traffic with the help of the synchronized traffic light system on main streets, and reducing the speed with the help of signs and speed bumps on secondary streets.
In the next five years, the City Hall also plans to develop and modernize the public transport services, expand the special bus lanes, create a 97-km network of bike lanes, new parking places (including park & ride parking lots at the entry in the city), and prioritize pedestrian traffic in the central area by widening the sidewalks and arranging public spaces.
The authorities also want to set up three so-called quiet areas of at least 4.5 hectares each, where the noise wouldn’t exceed 55 dB. These areas will be established in Carol I Park, Tineretului Park, and Vacaresti Nature Park. The 55 dB represents the threshold under which the human body is not affected by noise. High levels of noise cause stress, sleep problems, hearing impairment, hypertension, among others.
The noise map and report were created by Accon Environmental Consultants.
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Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com