Bucharest residential compound Doamna Ghica Plaza taken over by Alpha Bank

The Romanian subsidiary of Alpha Bank has taken over Doamna Ghica Plaza residential compound in Bucharest, after having financed the project with a EUR 45 million loan granted in 2007. The 600-apartment compound was developed by a Slovenian investor, and 400 of the apartments were still unsold, four years after the project was finished.
Among the investors initially involved in this project were the broker Cristian Sima, banker Dan Pascariu and lawyers Călin Andrei Zamfirescu and Stan Târnoveanu.
Alpha Bank hopes to re-start sales soon, and bases its hopes of selling apartments in the project on another similar move the bank made with Asmita Gardens, another residential project in Bucharest.
(photo source: Doamna Ghica Plaza's website)