Most Bucharest residents want a greener, more sustainable city - study
Seven out of ten Bucharest residents believe that the main priority for the future of their city is the creation of a greener and more sustainable urban environment, according to the MKOR study "The Ideal Bucharest - From Sustainability to Innovation, 2024." Reducing pollution and expanding green spaces are at the top of the list, with a particular focus on green roofs and better air quality.
The environment and sustainability are priorities especially for women, who want a cleaner and more environmentally friendly city. This increased sensitivity to environmental issues reflects a global trend where women are often leaders in sustainability and ethics movements, MKOR said.
According to the same source, improving mobility and transport infrastructure is a priority for 60% of respondents, particularly for those under 42 and those with high incomes (73%).
Study participants want a city that promotes active mobility, with a well-adapted infrastructure for bicycles and other eco-friendly means of transport. The development of efficient multi-modal transport and the construction of suspended roads are seen as solutions for traffic congestion and pollution reduction.
Bucharesters also want a more balanced urban development, with less chaotic construction and a stronger focus on restoring historic buildings. A well-defined urban plan could transform the capital city into a more attractive and functional city while maintaining the cultural heritage.
The study was conducted on a representative sample of 712 people.
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