Bucharest City Hall to set up screening centers for breast and cervical cancer

Bucharest City Hall plans to set up a metropolitan network of screening centers for breast and cervical cancer, according to a project that is to be discussed by the capital’s General Council during its August 23 meeting.
The network will include the 'Saint Agatha' clinic dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of oncological affections of women, as well as four ambulatory medical centers that will work in hospitals subordinated to the City Hall that provide obstetrics-gynecology services. The four hospitals are Prof. Dr. Panait Sirbu Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Filantropia Clinical Hospital, Dr. I. Cantacuzino Clinical Hospital and Nicolae Malaxa Clinical Hospital.
“Considering that the incidence of cervical cancer and advanced breast cancer has reached alarming levels in Romania, this phenomenon being also caused by the fact that a small percentage of women go to see a doctor for cervical and breast screening, we want to contribute to the effective implementation of screening programs by creating ambulatory clinics with consulting rooms, gynecology and the necessary equipment,” Bucharest mayor Gabriela Firea said.
Romania sets up 8 screening centers for cervical, breast cancer
Irina Marica, irina.marica@romania-insider.com