Bucharest Stock Exchange adds Romgaz, Nuclearelectrica shares in main market indexes

04 December 2013

The shares of two Romanian state – owned companies were recently included in the main indexes of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), while other companies were excluded.

The shares of gas company Romgaz and energy producer Nuclearelectrica were included in the BET index, which is the main index of the BSE, in the BET-XT and in the BET – BK indexes, and automatically in the BET – NG and BET – C indexes.

Within the move, the shares of Biofarm and Banca Carpatica will be excluded from the BET index, while Zentiva and Oil Terminal will be excluded from the BET – XT.

“The decision to include Romgaz and Nuclearelectrica in the reference index was based on their liquidity. Including them in the index will support the future liquidity of these assets […] I am sure international and local investors will appreciate this decision and it will strengthen their conviction that the best and most secure market for Romanian companies is the Romanian capital market,” said Ludwik Sobolewski, general manager of the BSE.

The BSE calculates and provides real time information about two blue – chip indexes, BET and BET – XT (BET Extended) , which reflect the price change of the top 10, and top 25 respectively most liquid companies, including the SIF investment funds.

BET-BK is a free float weighted capitalization index of the most liquid companies listed on BSE regulated market that can be used as a benchmark by asset managers and by other institutional investors. Its methodology reflects legal constraints and investments limits of managed funds, according to the BSE data.

BET-NG, the sectorial index, reflects the price movement of the companies traded on the BSE regulated market which are active in the energy sector and the related utilities. BET-C is the composite index of BVB market. It is a market capitalization weighted index.



Bucharest Stock Exchange adds Romgaz, Nuclearelectrica shares in main market indexes

04 December 2013

The shares of two Romanian state – owned companies were recently included in the main indexes of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), while other companies were excluded.

The shares of gas company Romgaz and energy producer Nuclearelectrica were included in the BET index, which is the main index of the BSE, in the BET-XT and in the BET – BK indexes, and automatically in the BET – NG and BET – C indexes.

Within the move, the shares of Biofarm and Banca Carpatica will be excluded from the BET index, while Zentiva and Oil Terminal will be excluded from the BET – XT.

“The decision to include Romgaz and Nuclearelectrica in the reference index was based on their liquidity. Including them in the index will support the future liquidity of these assets […] I am sure international and local investors will appreciate this decision and it will strengthen their conviction that the best and most secure market for Romanian companies is the Romanian capital market,” said Ludwik Sobolewski, general manager of the BSE.

The BSE calculates and provides real time information about two blue – chip indexes, BET and BET – XT (BET Extended) , which reflect the price change of the top 10, and top 25 respectively most liquid companies, including the SIF investment funds.

BET-BK is a free float weighted capitalization index of the most liquid companies listed on BSE regulated market that can be used as a benchmark by asset managers and by other institutional investors. Its methodology reflects legal constraints and investments limits of managed funds, according to the BSE data.

BET-NG, the sectorial index, reflects the price movement of the companies traded on the BSE regulated market which are active in the energy sector and the related utilities. BET-C is the composite index of BVB market. It is a market capitalization weighted index.





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