Western Romania: EUR 66 mln Burn Center to be built in Timisoara

Representatives of the Ministry of Health and the selected builder signed the contract for the construction of a new building within the Pius Branzeu County Emergency Clinical Hospital in Timisoara, western Romania. The new unit, which requires an investment of EUR 66 million, will house an integrated Burn Center.
The center will have six beds for major burns, six beds for intermediate and post-critical burns, and five beds for microsurgery and reconstructive surgery, the Health Ministry announced. The new building will also have an intensive care unit with 27 beds, 25 operating rooms, auxiliary spaces (such as sterilization, pharmacy, administrative and logistic spaces, technical spaces, and so on), and a heliport.
According to Social Democrat MP Alfred Simonis, the works are scheduled to start on June 12. The project should be completed in 26 months.
The financing is provided within the project on the Reform of the Health Sector - Improving the Quality and Efficiency of the Health System, financed by a Loan Agreement between the Romanian government and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
(Photo source: Facebook/Ministerul Sanatatii)