Romanian prime minister Marcel Ciolacu announced during the first government meeting this year that over 200 kilometers...
In the heart of modern urban living, in the northern part of Bucharest, surrounded by Padurea Baneasa, on Padina Street
The publicly-traded Romanian shipbuilder Orşova Shipyard, BVB ticker symbol SNO, partially owned by Longshield...
City Grill Group, one of the strongest players in Romania's HoReCa industry, announces the integration of the Paradisul
One United Properties (BVB: ONE), the leading green investor and developer of residential, mixed-use, and office real
Data Talks 2024, a forum organized recently at the Immersive Museum of New Arts (MINA), brought together over 120 data
Romania’s agricultural sector faces significant setbacks this year, with the European Commission revising crop yield...
Romania's Ministry of Energy extended a EUR 33 million grant under the Resilience Facility to Heliomit, a firm...
Romania's Ministry of Energy announced it cleared the disbursement of grants under the Resilience Facility in the total...
German insurer Signal Iduna announced the signing of the agreement for the acquisition of a majority stake in the...
In the heart of modern urban living, in the northern part of Bucharest, surrounded by Padurea Baneasa, on Padina Street
The publicly-traded Romanian shipbuilder Orşova Shipyard, BVB ticker symbol SNO, partially owned by Longshield...
City Grill Group, one of the strongest players in Romania's HoReCa industry, announces the integration of the Paradisul
One United Properties (BVB: ONE), the leading green investor and developer of residential, mixed-use, and office real
Data Talks 2024, a forum organized recently at the Immersive Museum of New Arts (MINA), brought together over 120 data
Romania’s agricultural sector faces significant setbacks this year, with the European Commission revising crop yield...
Romania's Ministry of Energy extended a EUR 33 million grant under the Resilience Facility to Heliomit, a firm...
Romania's Ministry of Energy announced it cleared the disbursement of grants under the Resilience Facility in the total...
German insurer Signal Iduna announced the signing of the agreement for the acquisition of a majority stake in the...