Canadian city Calgary to host Romanian Film Festival this week-end

04 November 2011

The first edition of the Romanian Film Festival organized in the Canadian city of Calgary will be held on November 5 and November 6, and the program will include two movies, a documentary and a short film. The Plaza theater in Calgary will host the screening of the Romanian “The autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu” (Autobiografia lui Nicolea Ceausescu) documentary directed by Andrei Ujica, “The rest is silence” (Restul e tacere) movie directed by Nae Caranfil, “Tuesday, after Christmas” (Marti, dupa Craciun) directed by Radu Muntean, and the Romanian short film “A good day on the beach” (O zi buna pentru plaja), directed by Bogdan Mustata.

All the films to be screened at this festival are in the Romanian language and have English subtitles.

Irina Popescu,

(photo source:


Canadian city Calgary to host Romanian Film Festival this week-end

04 November 2011

The first edition of the Romanian Film Festival organized in the Canadian city of Calgary will be held on November 5 and November 6, and the program will include two movies, a documentary and a short film. The Plaza theater in Calgary will host the screening of the Romanian “The autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu” (Autobiografia lui Nicolea Ceausescu) documentary directed by Andrei Ujica, “The rest is silence” (Restul e tacere) movie directed by Nae Caranfil, “Tuesday, after Christmas” (Marti, dupa Craciun) directed by Radu Muntean, and the Romanian short film “A good day on the beach” (O zi buna pentru plaja), directed by Bogdan Mustata.

All the films to be screened at this festival are in the Romanian language and have English subtitles.

Irina Popescu,

(photo source:


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