Romanian project among winners of the European Social Innovation Competition

Career Bus, a Romanian career orientation venture for young people from small urban and rural areas, is one of the three winners of the 2018 European Social Innovation Competition, an event awarding outstanding projects that develop and showcase social innovations and entrepreneurial ideas across Europe.
Career Bus, a project of Scoala de Valori and IceBreaker Community, is a bus with an interactive space where youth can be taught career skills. It will go to rural areas and smaller cities where youth have little hopes for their future and don’t know much about jobs, according to information on the competition’s website.
The other two winners are Ulisse (Italy), a digital travel platform for deaf people, and HeritageLab (Slovenia), an incubation programme for young people who want to set up a business. Each winner received a prize of EUR 50,000 to further develop and implement their ideas.
Meanwhile, the 2018 Impact Prize of EUR 50,000 was awarded to Mouse4All (Spain), a project that enables people with severe physical disabilities to access an Android tablet or smartphone without touching the screen.
The 2018 edition of the competition was titled RE:THINK LOCAL and was aimed at finding the most innovative projects, products, services, business models and collaborations that empower young people to participate fully in a changing economy.
Irina Marica,
(photo source: Facebook / Ashoka România)