Bucharest’s Carol Davila University of Medicine introduces course on doctor-patient communication

Starting in February, Dr. Beatrice Mahler, Associate Professor, will teach the first optional course on Narrative Medicine and Clinical Doctor-Patient Communication at the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Agerpres reported.
The course aims to rebuild trust between patients and doctors, equipping medical students with skills that complement their scientific knowledge.
"The patient's story is essential for diagnosis. Doctors must be good listeners and ask questions that invite patients to share their narrative," Dr. Mahler explained.
Students will learn to integrate scientific expertise with clinical and communication skills, including active listening and empathy. The course will also address crisis communication and interacting with the media, highlighting the doctor's role in public education.
"Illness places patients in a vulnerable position, and trust in their doctor becomes crucial. We can rebuild this trust by fostering comprehensive training for medical students," Beatrice Mahler explained.
She also emphasized that trust requires effort from both doctors and patients.
(Photo source: Thicha Satapitanon/Dreamstime.com)