Carrefour increases the wages for 95% of its employees in Romania

The French retailer Carrefour has increased the wages of 95% of its employees working in local stores starting this February.
The growth is between 16% and 21% of the base salary. The employees also get food vouchers of RON 197 (EUR 44) per month.
According to unofficial sources, the employees’ wages reached about RON 1,000 (EUR 223) before the growth. The salary increases could bring an additional RON 160-210 (EUR 36-47).
Carrefour’s representatives say that 2016 is a decisive growth year for the company, which has also been confirmed by the takeover of the Billa supermarket chain late last year.
In Romania, the French retailer has 189 stores. The company had a turnover of over EUR 1 billion in 2014.