Carrefour signs lease for hypermarket within future shopping center in Eastern Bucharest

Carrefour recently signed a lease for a new 10,000 sqm hypermarket in a future shopping center in the Eastern part of Bucharest. The shopping center, to be called Veranda Shopping Center, will be located near the Obor market, on the premises of the Prodplast factory, which has been relocated.
The center, on some 25,000 sqm, signed Carrefour as it first tenant. Leasing is managed by real estate agency CBRE Romania, while Barsine Investitii deals with project management and anything related to carrying out the investment. Chapman Taylor Romania and B23T Architecture &Design Services will deal with designing the center.
Prodplast, with its real estate arm Prodplast Imobiliare, has not yet announced a deadline for erecting the new shopping center, which is expected to compete against the future Mega Mall developed by NEPI and ParkLake Plaza by Caelum Development, both in the Eastern part of Bucharest.
n the vicinity, another former factory is expected to make room for more real estate: the former Aversa factory, almost adjoining the former Prodplast unit. Aversa, which produces pumps, is owned by real estate investor Michael Topolinski.