Nearly half of Romanian cars verified in traffic failed technical inspection tests

The Romanian Auto Register (RAR) found that 45.5% of the 33,508 vehicles verified in traffic throughout the country in the first 6 months of this year had major or dangerous technical deficiencies. Nearly half of the cars checked thus had their technical inspection visa (ITP) canceled, Ziarul Financiar reported.
The most common technical deficiencies were improper functioning of the lighting and signaling installations (26.73%), polluting emissions over the legal limit (21%), problems with decks, rims, tires and suspension (11.56%), problems with visibility (12%), as well as improper functioning of the braking systems (4%) and steering (1.5%). About two percent of vehicles had problems with periodic technical inspection (false, expired or canceled ITP).
The RAR inspections in traffic target mainly the old or badly maintained cars that they believe are likely to have technical problems, therefore the high share of vehicles failing the tests does not indicate the actual situation of all the vehicles on the Romanian streets.
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