The Bucharest Police recently announced that the city will host several commemorative ceremonies marking 35 years since...
The weekend before Christmas brings season-themed concerts, film screenings, and the option to buy presents from the...
Jay-Jay Johanson, a Swedish artist known for his melancholic and minimalist vocal style, is returning to Romania for a...
A bit of outdoor fun, concerts, and a drop of magic – we list below some of the going-out options available this holiday
...World-renowned tenor Jonas Kaufmann will perform in Romania for the first time at Sala Palatului in Bucharest next year...
The Săvârșin Royal Domain in Arad county, western Romania, will host a special Christmas fair this week, from December...
Romania will host the 2025 Junior Swimming World Championships, according to a recent announcement made by the Romanian...
After all the election-related turmoil of the past weeks, things are not much clearer but the mood is less agitated
UNCHAIN Fintech Festival, the most prominent banking tech conference in Central and Eastern Europe, proudly announces
The weekend before Christmas brings season-themed concerts, film screenings, and the option to buy presents from the...
Jay-Jay Johanson, a Swedish artist known for his melancholic and minimalist vocal style, is returning to Romania for a...
A bit of outdoor fun, concerts, and a drop of magic – we list below some of the going-out options available this holiday
...World-renowned tenor Jonas Kaufmann will perform in Romania for the first time at Sala Palatului in Bucharest next year...
The Săvârșin Royal Domain in Arad county, western Romania, will host a special Christmas fair this week, from December...
Romania will host the 2025 Junior Swimming World Championships, according to a recent announcement made by the Romanian...
After all the election-related turmoil of the past weeks, things are not much clearer but the mood is less agitated