Population census in RO ends with an estimated registration rate of 95.4%

A total of 18.15 mln people had registered for the census by the end of July 31, the last day of review.
According to the statistics office INS, the figure represents 95.4% of the estimated resident population of Romania on December 1, 2021.
In eight counties, the estimated number of people to be reviewed was exceeded.
The lowest percentages of reviews relative to the estimated population are in Timiş (83.5% of the estimated population), Bucharest Municipality (85.2%) and Iasi (89.4%).
The population census was supposed to take place in 2021, but the organizational details were decided by the Government in January 2022.
The statistics office says that the first results of the Population and Housing Census 2021 (RPL 2021) will be disseminated in December 2022. The final data will be published at the end of 2023.
(Photo: Octav Ganea/ Inquam Photos)