Christmas fair at the Bucharest National Opera in December

The Bucharest National Opera will host "The Magic of Fairy Tales" Christmas fair from December 2 to December 27, on the esplanade of the building.
The center of the fair is Santa's House, where children are invited to meet Santa Claus. The fair will also feature a gastronomic area with aromatic mulled wine and holiday-specific desserts.
Additionally, the event will include booths with handmade products, where craftsmen and artisans from all over the country will showcase authentic creations.
The fair will host carol concerts, with renowned choirs from Romania performing traditional carols and Christmas songs, as well as special screenings. Impressive performances from the repertoire of the Bucharest National Opera will also be projected for the public.
Many other Christmas fairs have opened or are set to open across Romania, in cities like Sibiu, Brasov, Craiova, Timisoara, Oradea, Cluj-Napoca, and several others in Bucharest.
(Photo source: the organizers)