Romanian commune heads EU-funded project to open tourist navigation on Mureş

Ciugud, a commune in central Romania’s Alba county, is heading a local group that has received EU funding to make the Mureş river navigable on a distance of 60 km, between Alba and Hunedoara counties.
As part of the project, pontoons will be set up and tourists will be able to rent small vessels from eight localities. The eight localities are: Ciugud, Alba Iulia, Vinţu, Sântimbru, Şibot, Blandiana - Geoagiu and Rapoltu Mare.
The project has a value of EUR 500,000 and is funded through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, Mediafax reported.
“The works will start in spring. The project aims to make use of the tourist potential of the Mureş river. Those renting the vessels can stop at any of the pontoons to visit the respective areas,” representatives of the Ciugud City Hall told Mediafax.
In the village of Drîmbar, part of the Ciugud commune, a leisure area will also be set up, on the bank of the Mureş river. The area will include a football field, a tennis court, a promenade area, an area for fishing, an ice skating rink and a camping area, according to a Facebook post of the Ciugud commune page.
Ciugud, which is located close to the city of Alba Iulia, is seen as a successful local example of the good use of EU funds. The local authorities have managed to completely transform the commune after attracting EU funding of over EUR 27 million.
Five examples of how rural Romania uses EU funds to finance its transformation
(Photo: Primăria comunei Ciugud Facebook Page)