Golden wedding: Cluj-Napoca mayor gives RON 1,000 to couples married for 50 years 

16 November 2022

Emil Boc, mayor of Cluj-Napoca, and the City Hall awarded RON 1,000, an anniversary certificate, and a bouquet of flowers to 50 couples who’d married for 50 years or more in a “golden wedding” ceremony.

"At the Casino Urban Culture Center, a new ceremony took place at the beginning of November dedicated to the people of Cluj who celebrated 50 years of uninterrupted marriage. We had the pleasure of awarding, on behalf of our community, 50 couples who reached this beautiful anniversary,” he said, wishing them “good luck” and “good health."

“The event has become a tradition in our city - Cluj-Napoca City Hall awards each couple who complete 50 years of uninterrupted marriage a symbolic prize, worth RON 1,000, an anniversary diploma, and a flower, as a sign of gratitude for the model they offer future generations", he added.

According to the civil status figures from the City Hall, Cluj-Napoca welcomed 1,862 newly-formed families in 2021, while 469 married couples celebrated their 50th anniversary. 6,692 children were also born in the city during the entire time period.

(Photo source: Emil Boc on Facebook)


Golden wedding: Cluj-Napoca mayor gives RON 1,000 to couples married for 50 years 

16 November 2022

Emil Boc, mayor of Cluj-Napoca, and the City Hall awarded RON 1,000, an anniversary certificate, and a bouquet of flowers to 50 couples who’d married for 50 years or more in a “golden wedding” ceremony.

"At the Casino Urban Culture Center, a new ceremony took place at the beginning of November dedicated to the people of Cluj who celebrated 50 years of uninterrupted marriage. We had the pleasure of awarding, on behalf of our community, 50 couples who reached this beautiful anniversary,” he said, wishing them “good luck” and “good health."

“The event has become a tradition in our city - Cluj-Napoca City Hall awards each couple who complete 50 years of uninterrupted marriage a symbolic prize, worth RON 1,000, an anniversary diploma, and a flower, as a sign of gratitude for the model they offer future generations", he added.

According to the civil status figures from the City Hall, Cluj-Napoca welcomed 1,862 newly-formed families in 2021, while 469 married couples celebrated their 50th anniversary. 6,692 children were also born in the city during the entire time period.

(Photo source: Emil Boc on Facebook)




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