Cluj-Napoca's Green Friday initiative expands to nearby Floresti commune

Floresti, a commune located 8 kilometers west of Cluj-Napoca's city center, also adopted the Green Friday campaign.
The initiative, which was first introduced in Cluj-Napoca in 2021, frees passengers from paying for bus/tram tickets every Friday in all lines in the city. Now, the program is expanded to Floresti, starting the first Friday of March 2023.
"We are welcoming spring in Floresti with a national first: Floresti commune is the first locality in a metropolitan area, other than a county seat municipality, to adopt Green Friday," says mayor Bogdan Pivariu.
Starting from Friday, the lines included in the Green Friday schedule are:
M21: Bucium - Floresti Cetate;
M22: Bucium - Sesul de Sus;
M23: Calea Floresti - Luna de Sus;
M24: Bucium - Floresti/Farm;
M25: Bucium - Tauti;
M26: Cluj-Napoca- Floresti Cetate.
"We congratulate the Floresti town hall for joining the Green Friday project and invite other town halls in the metropolitan area to join this green initiative," said Cluj-Napoca mayor Emil Boc.
Being a city of technology and a lot of prestigious universities, many people come to Cluj-Napoca in search of better jobs/studies. However, due to the city's staggering inflation and rising prices, many have resorted to nearby communes like Floresti.
(Photo source: Primaria Cluj/Facebook)