Coca – Cola's sales in Romania slide 4 percent impacted by austerity measures

09 February 2011

Coca-Cola Hellenic's sales in Romania went down by 4 percent in volume last year, to 167.8 million unit cases, mainly due to difficult economic conditions and to the austerity measures, which have affected consumption demand, according to the company.

Sales went slightly up in the forth quarter of the year however. The Coca – Cola brand sales went up by 20 percent in the fourth quarter of the year in Romania. Overall, the company posted net sales revenue of EUR 6,79 billion, 4 percent above the prior year. On a comparable basis, its net profit was of EUR 450 million, 8 percent above the prior year period


Coca – Cola's sales in Romania slide 4 percent impacted by austerity measures

09 February 2011

Coca-Cola Hellenic's sales in Romania went down by 4 percent in volume last year, to 167.8 million unit cases, mainly due to difficult economic conditions and to the austerity measures, which have affected consumption demand, according to the company.

Sales went slightly up in the forth quarter of the year however. The Coca – Cola brand sales went up by 20 percent in the fourth quarter of the year in Romania. Overall, the company posted net sales revenue of EUR 6,79 billion, 4 percent above the prior year. On a comparable basis, its net profit was of EUR 450 million, 8 percent above the prior year period




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