Coface keeps Romania’s rating unchanged, among lowest in region

Coface has maintained Romania’s B rating for risk, among the lowest in Central and Eastern Europe, but similar to the one accorded to Hungary and Latvia. Romania’s rating has remained unchanged since 2010.
“Romania is very connected to Europe and its economic advance is weak, structural and political challenges being maintained,” said Yves Zlotowski, Coface chief economist, at the Country Risk Conference taking place in Paris.
On the other hand, he added that Romania is a country with great potential.
“One of Europe’s problems is the weak economic growth. The recovery of European economies will be weak due to the deleveraging process. Looking at evolutions for every sector, there are still many areas of high risk,” said Yves Zlotowski.
Coface estimates a world economic growth of 3 percent in 2014, compared to 2.4 percent in 2013.
To determine country risk, Coface evaluates the economic, financial and political outlook of the country in conjunction with Coface’s payment experience and business climate assessment.
The assessments have a seven-level scale: A1, A2, A3, A4, B, C, D.
Irina Popescu,