Romania launches communication campaign about EU funds

The Romanian Ministry of European Funds launched on March 26 the communication campaign Bani europeni pentru idei romanesti (European money for Romanian ideas), which is aimed at informing the public about the contribution of EU funds to Romania’s development.
This is the EU Funds Ministry’s first promotion campaign in six years.
The campaign is co-financed by EU funds, through the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund, and the total budget invested in this campaign amounts to almost EUR 2.5 million.
The ministry’s campaign will use a mix of communication channels, including TV, radio, online and outdoor advertising, social media, and brochures. It will kick off on March 28 with a first spot that will focus on the Competitiveness Operational Program.
After this campaign, the ministry plans to start another large-scale one “to promote the concrete funding available in each Operational Program. Beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries will be promptly informed of the concrete funding measures we propose,” the EU Funds Ministry said in the press release.