Which companies control the disinfectants market in Romania?

Three companies dominate the disinfectants market in Romania, with a cumulative share of 63% and a turnover of almost EUR 21 million in 2014, according to a study by ICAP Romania, a provider of integrated business solutions, quoted by Economica.net.
Hexi Pharma is one of the top three players on this market, with a share of 13%, according to the ICAP study.
Hexi Pharma, a company owned by Romanian investor Dan Alexandru Condrea, has been selling disinfectants with a concentration up to ten times lower than the one mentioned on the products’ labels, which made them ineffective in killing dangerous hospital germs, journalists from sports newspaper Gazeta Sporturilor, led by Catalin Tolontan, have revealed.
The journalists have collected information and documents from former and current Hexi Pharma employees and doctors in state hospitals. They found that state authorities had never checked the quality of hospital disinfectants.
In total, the disinfectants market saw a turnover of EUR 33 million in 2014, according to ICAP Romania.