Confessions of an Economic Hit Man author: "Keep Chevron away from Romania"

American economist John Perkins, the author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, who was in Romania for several days until October 19, spoke about the danger coming from large corporations, including in the oil and gas industry. Perkins held speeches at several economic universities across Romania, and visited, among others, the Rosia Montana gold mining site.
In the context of the hydraulic fracturing in Romania, which caused many controversies, the American author insisted on oil company Chevron, warning that this is an evil that Romania should keep away from, reports local
We are currently witnessing a great revolution in the consciousness of humanity, Perkins said during a conference organized at the Academy of Economic Studies ASE in Bucharest. He confessed he has seen mentality changes, at least among young people, during his travels around the world. “Before, they wanted money, now they want a family and a sustainable world,” he said.
“It’s the revolution of consciousness. How do we develop a new economy, new business models that will create the world for which our children and grandchildren will thank us? The times we live now are very important,” Perkins said.
To further support the idea that we live in changing times, the American economist said that we’ve created, on a global level, an economy that can only go towards failure, “an economy of death, of destruction of the earth.”
“But Romanians stayed strong and said: No more destruction, we don’t want a cyanide pond,” said Perkins, noting that the massive protests organized last fall against the mining project at Rosia Montana had strong echoes around the world, especially in Chile where it was even taken as an example.
“What you experience here is a micro-cosmos. The elections are close and there is a lot of controversy related to corruption, about Microsoft, about the secret services – it is a micro-cosmos for the world,” he said. Perkins also added that corruption is extremely harmful for economic growth, and more transparency is needed in all business worldwide.
Talking about the hydraulic fracturing in Romania, the economist said he knows that fracking has the potential to be highly destructive to the environment, but there are alternatives such as the solar energy.
"As I travel in Romania, talking with the people here about the global economy and the consciousness revolution that is happening now, I see their struggle with Chevron, as well," Perkins wrote on his social media account while in Romania. More in his blog post published while in Romania.
“I know there is an entire controversy over Chevron here in Romania. For me, Chevron is a very dangerous corporation. I would discourage Romanians to hire Chevron” he added. “What I recommend Romania – if you choose fracking, don’t allow Chevron to do it. Keep Chevron away from Romania,” Perkins concluded.
John Perkins published his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, in 2004, He coined the term 'economic hit man' and used it to describe his previous work at consulting firm Chas. T. Main in Boston. he started to write the book in the 80s, but "threats or bribes always convinced him to stop." As a consultant, his main job was to convince leaders in underdeveloped countries to take development loans from international institutions. When these countries were unable to pay the huge debts, then they had to give into the pressure from the United States on various issues. Perkins concluded that economic hit men like himself cheated countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars and neutralize their political power on a global level.
The American author is currently dedicated to" transforming the world into a sustainable, just and peaceful home where all beings can thrive." He continued as a writer, and motivational speaker. He wrote several other books, including Hoodwinked, The Secret History of the American Empire, and Shape shifting.
Irina Popescu,, contributions by Corina Chirileasa