Constanta port in Romania takes over traffic no longer possible through Odessa

Romania's Black Sea port Constanta is taking over supplementary traffic of 6,000-7,000 containers per day that can no longer reach the ports of Ukraine - Odessa primarily.
To facilitate the transfer from Constanta to Moldova and Ukraine, Romania's authorities set up a road transport corridor from Constanta port to Albita custom point with Moldova, waiving any duties for the transport companies using it.
Part of the containers is actually aimed at reaching Moldova, which is usually predominantly using the port of Odesa for seat transport of imports or exports.
"These days, because the ports in the conflict zone are partially operational, the ships loaded with goods for ports in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine have requested to unload in the Romanian seaports. These ships are loaded with containers, general cargo and other bulk cargo," said Florin Goidea, director-general of the Romanian National Maritime Administration Company, quoted by Ziarul Financiar.
Currently, despite the larger demand, local ports are operational and ready to meet new requirements, says Florin Godea.
Commercial ships with goods for the ports affected by the conflict may request unloading in the port of Constanta, but this can be accepted depending on the needs and the initial route, he said, implying specific prioritization.
(Photo: Sebastiangh |