Consultancy firm Ernst & Young, IT provider Cegeka lease 9 floors of Tower Center in Bucharest

Consultancy firm Ernst & Young has leased six of the 22 floors of the Tower Center building in Bucharest, while the Belgian IT provider Cegeka signed a lease contract for an area of around 2,500 sqm, on three floors.
These two transactions brought the building’s occupancy rate to 70 percent, according to local business newspaper Ziarul Financiar. Also, the insolvent state – owned Romanian company Hidroelectrica will soon occupy another four floors of the building.
Tower Center International, developed by Avrig 35, which has been empty for the last three years because of litigation, was bought last year by investors Ioannis Papalekas and Dragos Bilteanu for some EUR 50 million. The 22-floorey building, which covers some 22,000 sqm, is over 100 meters tall.
Irina Popescu,
(photo source: Bog'Art)