Sealed room, 15th-century fresco uncovered during Romania’s Corvin Castle restoration

The restoration works that are currently carried out at the Corvin Castle, in Hunedoara, in southern Transylvania, have uncovered a sealed room and a defense level located at the base of the castle’s White Tower.
“We had the pleasant surprise of uncovering an entrance made into the wall of the 14th- century fortress, the fortress that Voicu gifted to Sigismund of Luxembourg. At the same time, a filler that was loosely set up [...] gave access to a room sealed […] most likely in the 19th century, during the restoration works. In this sector, we found, very well preserved, the 15th-century fresco that used to adorn Corvin Castle in its entirety,” archaeologist Sorin Tincu, the director of the Corvin Castle Museum, explained, quoted by Agerpres.
At the same time, a defense level was discovered at the base of the White Tower. Archaeologists believe it was sealed intentionally, in time. The defense level has embrasures with three holes, typical of the 17th century.
“After the restoration, we hope to be able to open for visitors this segment of the castle, built in the 17th century, during the time of Gabriel Bethlen,” Tincu said.
Corvin Castle is currently undergoing restoration works, backed by a EUR 5 million EU funds contract, Agerpres reported.
Among the landmarks that will be restored are the Painted Tower, the Hall of the Knights, the Capistrano Tower, the Old Gate Tower, the Bethlen Wing, the Drummers’ Tower, the fountain, the chapel, and the Njeboisia Tower.