Over 9 mln COVID-19 certificates issued in Romania, health official says

More than 9 million COVID-19 certificates have been issued in Romania so far, Health Secretary of State Andrei Baciu said on Tuesday, November 23. Most of the certificates (91.8%) show that the holder was vaccinated against COVID-19.
Romania started issuing the EU digital COVID certificate on July 1. Romanian citizens can download the document from the Government-run platform certificat-covid.gov.ro.
Andrei Baciu also said that Romania had received over 27.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines so far, and most of them were produced by Pfizer-BioNTech.
“Regarding the vaccine stocks we have at the moment, Romania has received 27,644,899 doses of vaccine. Of these, 17,672,999 are vaccines produced by Pfizer-BioNTech, 3,182,400 are vaccines produced by Moderna, 3,374,000 are produced by AstraZeneca, and finally, 3,415,500 are vaccines produced by Johnson & Johnson,” Baciu said, according to G4media.ro.
According to the official report, more than 14.5 million vaccine doses were administered in Romania by November 23 to a total of over 7.65 million people. More than 7.25 million received two doses, and almost 1.4 million were vaccinated with three doses.
The vaccination pace picked up in October but slowed down again this month, with only 17,500 people receiving their first dose in 24 hours (according to the November 23 report).
(Photo source: Cateyeperspective/Dreamstime.com)