Current account deficit down by three quarters in Romania

12 February 2014

Romania's current account deficit was down to EUR 1.5 billion in 2013, from EUR 5.8 billion the year before, Romania's Central Bank BNR reported.

This was due to the decrease in trade deficit by EUR 3.9 billion, as well as the increase in services surplus, by EUR 1.4 billion and current transfers surplus by EUR 287 million.

Meanwhile, medium- and long-term external debt at end-2013 stood at EUR 76.9 billion, which was 79.8 percent of total external debt, 2.3 percent below the level recorded at end-2012.

Short-term external debt at end-2013 totaled EUR 19.4 billion, or 20.2 percent of total external debt, down 6.8 percent from end-2012.


Current account deficit down by three quarters in Romania

12 February 2014

Romania's current account deficit was down to EUR 1.5 billion in 2013, from EUR 5.8 billion the year before, Romania's Central Bank BNR reported.

This was due to the decrease in trade deficit by EUR 3.9 billion, as well as the increase in services surplus, by EUR 1.4 billion and current transfers surplus by EUR 287 million.

Meanwhile, medium- and long-term external debt at end-2013 stood at EUR 76.9 billion, which was 79.8 percent of total external debt, 2.3 percent below the level recorded at end-2012.

Short-term external debt at end-2013 totaled EUR 19.4 billion, or 20.2 percent of total external debt, down 6.8 percent from end-2012.




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