Current time in Romania

Hello! This is the current time in Romania, including the date.

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02 December 2015

Romania will host the first edition of the European Snooker Championship, which will bring 128

02 December 2015

Private healthcare operator Regina Maria has a budget of at least EUR 6 million for new investments

02 December 2015

The Cluj Court has cancelled the General Urban Plan (PUG) of the Rosia Montana area, adopted in 2002

02 December 2015

French retail group Auchan has named Romanian Ionut Ardeleanu to take over as general manager of

02 December 2015

Romania’s Financial Supervisory Authority has completed the process of restructuring the RASDAQ

02 December 2015

Romanians plan to spend a third of their average monthly income for Christmas gifts, namely EUR 110

02 December 2015

Romania's Directorate for Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) yesterday held a man, who was part

02 December 2015

Romania’s National Prognosis Commission (CNP) has revised upwards its estimates for economic growth

30 November 2015

A 46-year old German citizen died on Monday, November 30, after falling from the 15th floor of the

30 November 2015

A total of 61.9% of all the households in Romania have a computer, more than two-thirds of them

30 November 2015

Romanian Christians celebrate Saint Andrew (Andrei) on November 30, when over 600,000 Romanians



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