Current time in Romania

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19 October 2010

uropean movie lovers will be able to watch representative Norwegian films at the upcoming Norwegian Movie Days in Bucharest between October 27 and 29, at the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR). The event, organized by the Norwegian Embassy to Bucharest and ICR, will include five movies with free entry.

19 October 2010

Austrian company Bilfinger Berger Baugesellschaft has signed a EUR 12.6 million contract with the Romanian Roads Company CNADNR to revamp the Giurgeni and Agigea bridges. The Giurgeni bridge revamping contract, worth EUR 8.8 million (excluding VAT), is more than half covered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the rest coming from the Romanian Government.

19 October 2010

The Bucharest Early Music Festival, organized by Medieval Praxis, will start on October 30 in Bucharest. The event will be dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach this year, celebrating 325 years since the birth of the composer and commemorating 260 years since his death. Already at its fifth edition, the festival features music predating the Classical period in West European music.

19 October 2010

Romania's pavilion at EXPO Shanghai 2010 is hosting the Romania-China Cultural Week from October 16,an event which is part of the cultural diplomacy program held at Greenopolis pavilion, the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry has announced.

19 October 2010

Titan, owned by Austrian Euromills, has finalized a EUR 15 million investment in its Bucharest factory which will produce rolls for McDonald's restaurants in Romania and Bulgaria. The investment was started a year ago and parts of the production will go to countries like Greece, Serbia and Macedonia as week.

19 October 2010

OMV Petrom's electric power plant will start production at the end of 2011 and is currently being built in Brazi, according to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The power plant in Brazi, north of Bucharest, will feature a gas turbine. When finalized, the power plant will provide up to 9 percent of the electricity produced in Romania.

19 October 2010

*Govt. proposes 12% flat tax and salary contribution to 41%. Is a budget possible on this data? - in Ziarul Financiar
*Will PSD and PNL manage to dismiss the Govt. under the pressure of the masses? - in Ziarul Financiar
*Titan invests EUR 15 mln in factory to produce hamburger rolls - in Ziarul Financiar
*Medcenter to put EUR 7 mln in Bucharest analysis lab - in Ziarul Financiar

18 October 2010

The Social Democratic Party (PSD) members of the Romanian Parliament, along with the Conservative Party (PC) Alliance (in opposition), and the National Liberal Party (PNL - in opposition) submitted the motion of no-confidence against the Boc Government. The document is named 'The No-Confidence Motion of Majority Romania, People's Motion.'

18 October 2010

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barosso (in picture) will arrive in Romanian capital Bucharest, on November 8, to attend the third summit on the Danube Strategy. Barosso will attend, along with officials in fourteen Danube countries, the last summit on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region before the final adoption of the strategy by the European Commission, on December 8.

18 October 2010

Two expats have joined the Penny Market management board. Frank Wagner is the company's new general manager for Romania, replacing Marcel Thiele, who had been running the company for the last four years. Frank Wagner was promoted from the Chief Operational Officer position.

18 October 2010

The Romanian chapter of the Association of French Abroad (UFE – L’Union des Francais de l’Etranger) organizes a 70s-80s party on Saturday, October 30, from 20,00 hours, at the Embassy club in Lahovari square.

18 October 2010

Jazz singer Sorin Enea will perform on Thursday, October 21st, at the Fourteen bar (14 Benjamin Franklin St.) in Bucharest. The Sorina Enea & friends concert will start at 21,00 hours. Call 0730 472 233 or email for advance bookings and table reservations.



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