Current time in Romania

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05 July 2010

Around 67 percent of Romanians could cope for only three months with a 25 percent drop in salaries, according to a study released by the Institute of the Quality of Life. More than half of the Romanian population has issues in dealing with day to day needs (65 percent), while 61 percent live from one pay check to the other.

05 July 2010

Romania's economy will drop by 1.5 to 2 percent this year, according to a recent estimation by Coface. Its previous prognosis pointed to an economic growth of 0.5 percent. “2010 is more difficult than 2009, this has become a certainty

05 July 2010

The recent heavy rain has caused an increase in the Danube level, which threatens to damage a 4.5 km dam which is being built to protect Galati city. As many as 8,000 people live in the area which could be flooded if the dam is damaged, according to Cosmin Paun, mayor of the Galati county.

05 July 2010

Delia Burnham is a social hub. She seems to always know somebody you need to get in touch with. She works in human resources, so it is quite natural for her to know a lot of people from different areas. Delia currently runs CVO Recruitment in Romania, after spending seven years in the country. We've spent some time talking about Delia's journey to Romania – so here's her story.

05 July 2010

Romanian media, Sucu: Banks are killing lending to individuals – in Ziarul Financiar, NBR bosses' fortunes worth more than 17 million euros – in Ziarul Financiar, Prices of three-room apartments, down 9% in H1 – in Ziarul Financiar, Figures behind My Dream insolvency: 131 unsold apartments and 17m-euro debts – in Ziarul Financiar

IMF: Inflation could reach 7.9% this year, VAT hike impact on economic decline limited – in Ziarul Financiar

04 July 2010

The new inflation target for Romania this year is of 7.9 percent, from a previous target of 3.5 percent before the VAT increase, according to the International Monetary Fund, which has recently approved a new loan installment for Romania. The IMF expects the high inflation to fade out during next year.

04 July 2010

The Maastricht School of Management is organizing a free MBA Master Class on July 29th, focusing on marketing. Paul Renaud of Renaud Investments (in picture) will be delivering the Master Class on “Marketing Manager Survival Skills.

04 July 2010

Events July 5-8: press conferences, round tables, seminars, parties, concerts

04 July 2010

Sanoma Hearst Romania has bought the local website, which runs real estate classifieds posted directly by owners. The website was lauched in 2006 by several Romanian business people. The acquisition was made through Sanoma Digital Romania, which will continue to make acquit ions on the local online segment.

03 July 2010

The International Monetary Fund board has approved the fifth loan installment for Romania on Friday and the EUR 900 million should reach the Romanian Central Bank (BNR) most likely on Monday, July 5, or Tuesday the latest, according to Mediafax newswire.

02 July 2010

Romania's foreign currency reserves, deposited at the Romanian Central Bank (BNR) dropped by EUR 362 million in June, reaching EUR 31.98 billion, according to data from BNR. This is the second time in a row when BNR's forex reserves drop. In June EUR 792 million entered Central bank's coffers and EUR 1.15 billion of the reserve came out.

02 July 2010

Romanian media: Pension budget runs 1bn-euro deficit after five months – in Ziarul Financiar, Bankers raise deposit interest rates to keep clients – in Ziarul Financiar,
NBR's forex reserve down in June for second month in a row – in Ziarul Financiar, 3,900 Romanians go to Greece on holiday weekly – in Ziarul Financiar, Just 5% of Romanians living in cities want to take out a loan – in Ziarul Financiar



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