Current time in Romania

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02 May 2010

Romania ranks second among 69 countries in the world based on how many international retailers

30 April 2010

The tripe sour soup (in Romanian it's called ciorba de burta) is one of the popular recipes you can

30 April 2010

May 1st - workers' day - usually marks the first seaside trip of the year for many Romanians

30 April 2010

Iron Man 2with Robert Downey Jr, Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mickey Rourke. A sequel of the

30 April 2010

Romanian media
IMF's advice to the Government: keep the agreement so you don't end up like Greece –

29 April 2010

The Cluj – Napoca airport is closing down for four days starting May 6 for maintenance works, the

29 April 2010

If you're staying in Bucharest during the week-end, you might want to spend some time visiting the

29 April 2010

The next payment from the International Monetary Fund loan to Romania, some EUR 850 million, will go

29 April 2010

Local beer producer Bavarom sold 60 percent more alcohol-free beer in the first quarter of the year

29 April 2010

You'd better start practicing! There are just five months and a half to train for the Bucharest City

29 April 2010

Oxigen Plus, a company owned by Gemisa Investments, posted a turnover of EUR 520,000 in the first

29 April 2010

Romanian law firm Biris Goran has launched an online venture meant to connect investors with local

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