Current time in Romania
Hello! This is the current time in Romania, including the date.
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Romanian construction materials producer TeraPlast Group (BVB: TRP), also involved in the
The prime minister and head of the senior ruling Social Democratic Party likely to preserve its
Prosecutors of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) have been
We all know that AI is no longer on the horizon – it's here. Now, it's time to get practical! On 15
It’s the last weekend of the Open Streets program in Bucharest, but also one with plenty of events
Generation Z employees in Romania prefer pressure-free work environments over stability, according
The Hungarian presidency of the EU Council asked that Romania and Bulgaria become full members of
The National Theater Festival in Bucharest invited five foreign productions to join the lineup of
Real Estate Group (RRG), a company with almost 20 years of experience in the Romanian real estate
Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, the Romanian subsidiary of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, appointed Alessio Cioni
Three consortiums, comprising 56 nationally and internationally recognized companies, have submitted