Danish group invests EUR 23 mln in feed mill plant in Romania
Premium Porc Group, which is owned by the Danish group DCH International, has invested EUR 23 million in a mixed fodder factory in Sibioara, Constanta county.
The opening of the plant is part of the company’s strategy to modernize and expand the farms it operates in the Constanta county, via a company called Degaro. Besides building the feed mill plant, the firm also increased the capacity of the Fantanele and Sibioara farms.
The company plans to double its production by 2019, said Lars V. Drescher, DCH International CEO.
Premium Porc Group has been active in Romania since 2006, when it bought the Suintest farm in Golesti, Vrancea county. In 2008, the company also acquired the Consinterfin farm in Vrancea county. Three years later, in 2011, Premium Porc Group bought the Fantanele and Sibioara farms in Constanta county.
The company continued its expansion on the local market in 2013, when it acquired the Negreni farm in Olt county.
Premium Porc Group, which includes Degaro, Consinterfin, Premium Porc, Premium Porc Feed, Premium Porc Negreni, and Agro Investments Moldova companies, registered a turnover of EUR 43 million in 2014.
(photo source: premium porc group on facebook)