Danone invests EUR 4 mln in Romanian plant to use "green" Terra Pack packaging

Danone Romania inaugurated a new packaging line in its factory in Bucharest last week, upon a EUR 4 mln investment.
The company will change the Tetra Pak packaging it has used for drinking yoghurts Danone and Activia. The new packaging will be made of 93% of herbal materials, namely sugar cane, which contributes to reducing the carbon footprint of these products by 45%.
The approach is in line with the company's sustainability strategy, which aims at long-term initiatives to support the environment, according to a press release quoted by Bursa.ro.
Danone is the first partner in Romania where Tetra Pak implements this project, in the category of sustainable packaging for drinking yoghurts. Due to the way it is produced, the material helps cut the impact on the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of each yoghurt package by 45%, which is also certified by Carbon Trust certification. It also has Bonsucro certification, which certifies the sustainable source of sugar cane.
(Photo source: the company)