Big Data IT system to help Romania's competition authority uncover bid rigging

14 March 2018

Romania’s Competition Council wants to discover public acquisition rigging with a Big Data IT system which it plans to finance with EUR 10.7 million non-reimbursable funds from the EU.

It will develop the project in partnership with the Special Telecommunications Service STS, which would provide the know-how and logistics support. The system would allow the Council to analyze faster high data volumes.

Over half of the funding will come from the EU regional development fund, the 2014-2020 stage, already signed in January this year. Implementation should take two and a half years.


Big Data IT system to help Romania's competition authority uncover bid rigging

14 March 2018

Romania’s Competition Council wants to discover public acquisition rigging with a Big Data IT system which it plans to finance with EUR 10.7 million non-reimbursable funds from the EU.

It will develop the project in partnership with the Special Telecommunications Service STS, which would provide the know-how and logistics support. The system would allow the Council to analyze faster high data volumes.

Over half of the funding will come from the EU regional development fund, the 2014-2020 stage, already signed in January this year. Implementation should take two and a half years.




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