Romanian deputies prolong the terms of local elected officials

Romania's Chamber of Deputies, as the decision-making body, extended the mandates of the local elected representatives - mayors, local councilors, county councilors, and county council presidents - until November 1, 2020, through a law passed on June 15.
The law got 204 votes for, three against, while 66 MPs abstained, Bursa reported.
The ruling Liberal party proposed an amendment that would have entitled the Government to set the calendar of the next local elections, but the Social Democrats predictably rejected it.
Over the past 30 years, the Government has set the date of the local elections.
The law will be sent for promulgation to president Klaus Iohannis.
If this bill had been rejected, this would have generated a hiatus in local public administration, because the mandates of the local elected officials would have expired.
Thus, the mayors, deputy mayors, and county council presidents wouldn't have been able to sign any document, not the orders for the payment of employees' salaries and invoices issued by third parties.
(Photo: Cateyeperspective/ Dreamstime)