Romanian telco Digi buys spectrum licenses from MasMovil in Spain for EUR 120 mln

Digi Spain Telecom, the Spanish subsidiary of Romania’s telecom group Digi Communications (BVB: DIGI), announced that it concluded a spectrum transfer contract for the acquisition of spectrum licenses providing for the use of a set of frequency blocks from Xfera Moviles for EUR 120 million.
Xfera Moviles is part of the MasMovil Spain Group, which is controlled in turn by British Lorca JVCo.
The frequency blocks are in the bands of 1,800 MHz, 2,100 MHz and 3,500 MHz.
The spectrum transfer agreement has been concluded in the context of the merger control proceeding directed by the European Commission for the approval of a concentration formed by the Spanish telecommunications operators of Lorca JVCo Limited and Orange.
In the same context, Digi Spain and Orange Espagne concluded an option agreement whereby the latter grants Digi Spain the option to enter into a national roaming service agreement (the “Option”) in the future. Under the terms of the Option, Orange Espagne would allow Digi Spain to access all available technologies in the mobile network of Orange Espagne or its affiliates in Spain under a wholesale mobile electronic communications service.
Digi Communications has a market capitalization of RON 4.22 billion (EUR 850 million). In 2023, its shares rose 34% YTD compared to a 30% YTD advance of the blue chips’ index BET.
(Photo source: the company)